The 5 Phases for Completing Prototype Development

The continuous development and innovation of new products are always making the manufacturing industry to be a global dominance. In new product development, prototype plays a role of importance. It’s proof of the designers’ concept. Physical objects are constructed or prototyped according to design to check if ideal function and appearance are workable. The prototype is also a validation before designs going into production. Generally, several prototype iterations are required before new product designs put into production. Prototype development can be partitioned into 5 phases, each phase is a step forward towards concept accomplishment.


Rapid Prototyping Tech Promotes Prototype Development

Prototype design is the first product made in consideration of the original idea. In this process, tools like jigs, fixtures, and dies are not specifically manufactured for mass production. Machinists often use any tools they have to complete the work. Prototyping is indeed a time-consuming process, because each stage of it is like a first trial, and there is no pre-established technology or process. In addition, engineers must deal with errors and trials throughout the prototype process. In manufacturing, engineering companies take prototype development as a commercial contract and set up all the equipment needed to complete the project.

Ready for Appearance Model

The product development process is not an easy battle. Most startups underestimate the time or effort required for the whole process.

Easily making preliminary prototypes leads to a false sense of progress to developers. Many of them have made huge visual advancements in the early phases, creating products similar to the finished product in appearance and function, thus making them feel like they’ve made great progress while actually they still have two to three times more work to do. The remaining works including design and manufacturing, engineering and testing to the manufacturing phase.

It is often said that details determine success or failure, especially in actual product design.

Apearance Prototype

Most people don’t realize that just because you have a prototype that looks and feels like a finished product does not mean that you are ready for production. Details such as material selection, components, tolerance analysis, assembly sequence, applicability, design verification, and certification all need to be formulated.

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